Can Mewing Make Someone More Photogenic?

Dentist in Calgary Serving Northwest, Downtown, and Nearby Calgary, Alberta


Ever feel self-conscious about getting a picture taken? If teeth or jaw shape are the issue, mewing may help. Many people have found this exercise as an easy way to find agency in reshaping their face and becoming more photogenic.

What Is Mewing?

Mewing is the practice of flattening the tongue against the roof of the mouth. The goal is to retrain the mouth muscles and to create the habit of resting the tongue in a more optimized position. With regular practice, mewing can help define the jawline, allow better airflow, and prevent mouth breathing.

How Mewing Can Improve Pictures

When we look at a picture of ourselves or other people, the first thing we see are faces. First, we'll see the photographed person's eyes, then their smile, and maybe their face shape before anything else. If people are self-conscious, that feeling will usually center around one of these target areas. Mewing can improve how you look in pictures because it:

  • Aligns teeth
  • Retrains facial muscles
  • Reduces the appearance of "double chin"
  • Pushes the jaw forward

Before Mewing

For some people who have found value in mewing, they shy away from pictures or look back on them and feel upset before they start. They’re afraid of looking asymmetrical or having a face that’s too round.

After Mewing

Those same people who find that mewing works for them, find that after they’ve been practicing for a while that they can see subtle changes in their appearance. For example, people’s jaw position can adjust to become more symmetrical, reducing the appearance of a double chin.

What Mewing Can't Do

Mewing can't change the appearance of teeth or completely remodel a person’s face. Patients should schedule a consultation with a dentist for guidance regarding the practice and for treatment advice.

Contact Evolution Dental Today

If you live in Calgary, Northwest Calgary, Cochrane or other nearby areas of Alberta and would like to learn more about facial development and treatment options, call Evolution Dental today at 403-768-2433 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kendra Schick.


*all procedures performed at our practice by a general dentist 


