Posted: November 27, 2022
Interruptions to a person’s sleep-wake cycle can prevent their bones from repairing themselves. This has implications for bone health, aging, and the importance of quality sleep. Sleep disorders like sleep apnea are already incredibly powerful as evidenced by the countless other things they can cause and this makes them even more critical. Disturbances in sleep can disrupt bone metabolism.
Interrupting Sleep
A person’s sleep patterns can shift and change for many reasons. After all, sleep patterns change naturally over time. For example, sleep needs during puberty differ noticeably compared to the sleep needs of an elderly person.
The danger begins when we deviate from these shifting patterns. Unexpected interruptions that break the sleep cycle before we’ve had the chance to reach REM or deep sleep cycles keep our bodies from the crucial work that takes place during those phases. Sleep disorders are a prime example.
- Sleep disorders (like sleep apnea) are by definition disruptions in sleep patterns.
- Disorders like sleep apnea multiply risk because they break our sleep cycles numerous times throughout the night.
Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) occurs when a person’s airway collapses at night. This collapse cuts off their air supply and startles them awake numerous times throughout the night gasping for air. People who suffer from sleep apnea not only lose sleep this way but also reduce their intake of oxygen, decrease their metabolic capacity, and negatively affect their heart health among countless other consequences.
Poor Sleep and Its Effect on Bones
The constant interruptions in sleep (like when someone suffers from sleep apnea) disrupt the signals that mediate bone formation. During sleep, the body rests, rebuilds, and restores. When this system is interrupted, it keeps the body from performing essential functions because you’re constantly waking up.
Obstructive sleep apnea interacts with the skeleton through several mechanisms including:
- Inducing hypoxia
- Causing oxidative stress
- Changing melatonin, leptin, and vitamin D secretion
Bone remodeling is a continuous process of synthesis and destruction. When this process is interfered with, bones undergo less reformation which can cause health issues such as osteoporosis.
Contact Evolution Dental Today
If you live in Calgary, Northwest Calgary, Cochrane or other nearby areas of Alberta and would like to learn more about sleep apnea, you can call Evolution Dental today at 403-768-2433 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Kendra Schick.
*all procedures performed at our practice by a general dentist