Implanting Confidence With a Lifelong Smile

Dentist in Calgary Serving Northwest, Downtown, and Nearby Calgary, Alberta


Beyond mere replacements for missing teeth, dental implants are architectural marvels, meticulously designed to seamlessly integrate into your jawbone and replicate the natural feel and functionality of genuine teeth. This guide unfolds the layers of dental implants, from the titanium root embedded in the jaw to the porcelain crown that graces your smile. 

Understanding Dental Implants: A Three-Part Harmony

At the core of dental implants is the meticulous design that mimics the structure of natural teeth. Comprising three essential components, dental implants are a sophisticated solution for tooth loss:

  • Titanium implant: This biocompatible post serves as the artificial root, skillfully embedded into the jawbone. The titanium implant forms the foundation for stability and durability.
  • Porcelain crown or denture: The visible part of the dental implant, the crown or denture, is crafted from porcelain to replicate the appearance and function of a natural tooth. This ensures a seamless blend with your existing teeth.
  • Abutment: Connecting the crown or denture to the implant, the abutment plays a crucial role in holding the restoration securely in place. It completes the trifecta of components that make up a dental implant.

The Process of Osseointegration

A key feature that distinguishes dental implants is the process of osseointegration. Following implantation, the titanium post allows for the natural growth of bone and tissue around it. This integration ensures the stability of the implant, creating a strong and lasting foundation for the replacement tooth.

Benefits that Endure

Dental implants stand out as a preferred choice for tooth replacement due to several notable advantages:

  • Longevity: With proper care, dental implants can last for decades, offering a lasting solution to tooth loss.
  • Convenience: Maintaining a dental implant is straightforward; regular cleaning mirrors the care routine for natural teeth.
  • Preservation of adjacent teeth: Unlike some alternatives, dental implants do not require the alteration of neighboring teeth, preserving the integrity of your natural smile.
  • Bone preservation: Dental implants mimic the natural response of the body to a tooth, preserving the jawbone and preventing resorption, a common issue after tooth loss.

Determining Candidacy

While dental implants are a highly effective solution, not everyone is a suitable candidate. Dr. Schick, our experienced dentist, assesses various factors to determine eligibility, ensuring the best fit for each patient. Key considerations include:

  • Healthy gums: The health of your gums is crucial for successful implantation, aiding in proper healing and securing the implant.
  • Adequate jawbone density: Sufficient hard bone marrow in the jaw is essential for implant stability.
  • Sufficient jawbone size: The jawbone must be of adequate height and width to accommodate the implant; otherwise, a bone graft may be recommended.

Scheduling a Consultation

Dental implants represent a transformative solution for those seeking a permanent and natural-looking remedy for missing teeth. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact our office via our contact form or by calling 403-407-5730.


*all procedures performed at our practice by a general dentist