Teeth whitening is a simple and effective way to get a brighter, younger looking smile. We offer both power whitening and take-home dental teeth whitening solutions. These options are much more effective than over the counter teeth whitener products.
Please ask us which dental whitening option is best for you. Having white teeth and a more attractive smile may be easier than you think. Call Evolution Dental in Calgary at 403-407-5730 for a discussion of your cosmetic dental options.
Is Whitening Safe?
We use well researched, professional products for whitening. This process is often called “tooth bleaching,” which has earned some expected concern.
The professional dental whitening products do not actually contain any bleach. As you know with your clothes, bleach breaks down the fabric over time with repeated bleaching. The solutions we use for whitening are closer to "Oxyclean" in their action.
The organic stain that has created the yellowing or darkening of your teeth is oxidized by the whitening solution in a way that does not damage your enamel. It lifts any pigment embedded in your teeth, revealing a brighter shade.
How White Will My Teeth Get?
Each person has a different whitest shade. The degree of your stain, the color of your stain, and the quality of your enamel may affect your outcome. Please ask for a complimentary whitening assessment to discuss your expectations.
Will My Teeth Be Sensitive?
For many people, whitening does not cause sensitivity. If your teeth are sensitive to begin with, you may have sensitivity during or following whitening. This sensitivity is most often minor, short lasting, and will resolve after the whitening is finished. We have many tips and products to help eliminate or decrease the sensitivity allowing most patients to whiten their smile.
Call 403-407-5730 for a free cosmetic consultation at Evolution Dental today. Dr. Schick serves all of Calgary, Cochrane and nearby areas of Alberta.